Midnight Meteorites

Asteroid Vesta Diogenite Meteorite Classified as NWA 15339, Space Lava! - 29.8g Slice

$145.00 $175.00 17% Off

This 29.8 gram meteorite slice is a fragment of asteroid 4 Vesta, the second largest asteroid in the solar system. It is classified as NWA 15339 by the International Society for Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences. Diogenite is from deep within the crust of 4 Vesta and is a form of crystalized magma (Space Lava!). This meteorite is 1 of only 66 discoveries officially classified as a Polymict Diogenite. 

This slice displays a unique polymict breccia texture with several unique and interesting details. It displays well and is an excellent conversation piece. It comes to us as the result of an ancient impact event that launched it into space before it came to rest in the desert of Northwest Africa. It was discovered in 2022.   

Meteoritical Bulletin Entry Describing NWA 15339: https://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=78524

This meteorite is not just a collectible; it’s an educational tool that brings the mystery and science of space directly into your hands.

Your purchase includes the exact stone pictured, a Certificate of Authenticity, a display stand, and a lunar surprise 🌙

My name is Dr. Chris Sanders, and I am a member of the International Meteorite Collectors Association (Member ID 8303). Purchasing from an IMSA member guarantees you're working with trusted members of the meteorite community. You can watch my free meteorite education videos on YouTube or other social media platforms here: https://linktr.ee/meteocracy


Unique Features of This Meteorite

--Polymict Breccia--

Brecciated meteorites composed of fragments from multiple rock types that impact processes have fused together. They often contain a mix of different lithologies, including chondritic, achondritic, or even foreign material from other planetary bodies. These meteorites provide insight into impact history, regolith processes, and the complex geological evolution of their parent bodies.


A type of achondritic meteorite that originates from the deep crust of the asteroid 4 Vesta. It is primarily composed of magnesium-rich orthopyroxene, often giving it a greenish or yellowish hue, and represents some of the oldest igneous rock in the solar system. Diogenites provide valuable insights into planetary differentiation and crust formation on small bodies.

--4 Vesta--

One of the largest objects in the asteroid belt, spanning about 525 km (326 miles) in diameter, and is the second most massive asteroid after Ceres. It has a differentiated structure with a core, mantle, and crust, making it more like a small planet than a typical asteroid. Vesta is the parent body of HED meteorites (howardites, eucrites, and diogenites), which provide direct evidence of volcanic and geological activity in the early solar system.

Asteroid Vesta Diogenite Meteorite Classified as NWA 15339, Space Lava! - 29.8g Slice

$145.00 $175.00 17% Off